
Do It Yourself Creative Fun For Party Foods!

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Recently you may have noticed that I have enjoyed trying a few new chocolate and candy making recipes. I’ll list the candy making posts/recipe with tutorial I’ve tried at the bottom of this post for you if your new to reading the blog and would like to do it yourself. I am no expert but, enjoy learning and practicing! I have another candy making recipe I’m trying soon. I can’t wait to share the results of my do it yourself fun in the kitchen. I just love making sweet things to share. Don’t you?

What’s exciting for both you and me is that Craftsy is having a huge sale on a lot of their online classes right now. From candy making to cake decorating and even pastry. These classes are perfect for any upcoming party or entertaining, along with gift giving. Who is ready to get their homemade gift, yummy candy making and pastry skills kicked up a k-notch?! I know I am!

Do It Yourself

Creative Fun In The Kitchen

Do It Yourself |Decorating cake pops with colorful sprinkles

I was excited to find their Homemade Chocolate Candy: Truffles, Bonbons & More. I previewed the online class and just from seeing the online class preview I can see there are tips and tricks I could use. Which would add more skills to my budding do it yourself food craft love.

There are plenty of courses all up to 50% off. This candy making class “Homemade Chocolate Baking Essentials” is under $20. Which is great! That’s like two fru fru coffee splurges if your on a budget. For me although our kitchen remodel has been put on pause and only half way done. I have cleaned it up ready for new projects.

Do It Yourself |Chocolate Candy Making

  Homemade Chocolate Candy: Truffles, Bonbons & More

Honestly it’s been really hard to be in limbo with the fixer upper when all I want to do is make fun foods, crafts and yummy candy treats. I’m dreaming of the day it’ll be done and my kitchen is pretty again. Which doesn’t look like it will be any time soon but, more about that later.

Do it Yourself |How to decorate cake pops - step by step tutorial. Party dessert

Since I was online class shopping for myself I thought I’d share what caught my eye. What has me excited for any of our up coming birthdays, holidays and just plain party making or celebrations?

Do It Yourself

Do It Yourself Candy making cake and cookie decorating

For me I’d love to tackle not only more candy making but, any of these classes to up my fun level and skills in the kitchen. I wish I would of learned it when my kids were younger but, being a mom to five didn’t give me the extra time when they were tiny. There was no online back then. Um, did I just age myself. I’m kind of jealous that young mom’s can squeeze in the learning at their convenience with blogs, online classes and tutorials.

Now I’m making up for lost time! But, I have to say I did go out once a week to take painting classes or a college class. I’ve always loved learning something new and creating.

I’m not an expert by far when it comes to these kitchen skills vs. my painting but, I’m getting better with practice and by taking classes. If you’d like to take your own do it yourself courses online I highly recommend Craftsy. It’s just one of my favorites for online learning.

  • PS. Don’t forget to check out their free online classes. Free Craftsy Classes

Do it Yourself

Fun the kitchen

If you missed these posts you might enjoy them and see just some of what I’ve made or learned:

What type of fun in the kitchen skills would you like to learn?

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