T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™ How I Saved Over 50%! See How You Can Too!

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ChangingPrepaid #CollectiveBias

We are trying to save money this year to be able to have a vacation fund, live debt free from credit cards and start saving for Sammie’s college. (sis boom bah) These are some lofty goals now days but, these are important to us. One thing that has been the biggest expense for us is my cell phone bill! Now, the Mr. has his through work, we took care of Sammie with an unlimited text/limited call plan. But, mine I haven’t changed since I got cell phone service years ago. That is, until I just found T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™ . Today I’m showing you how I saved and how you can DIY too! Let me break down what I found out and the saving break down that I couldn’t even believe, until I tried it. 

Although I’ve see the ads on television or read them in magazines I have never broke down and thought of getting a new cell service until now! Why? I finally had to make a change after getting a chance to check it out for myself and seeing that there is a  T-Mobile Simply Prepaid™  for just $40 dollars a month! 4G LTE data with unlimited talk and text. What?!!! That is unreal!! I said I cut it in half but, seriously I paid almost three times that with my old plan. (sticks head in sand) I cut my cell bill by more than half!! I cut it by 65%. How could I be in the dark? Brushing my cell bill under the carpet for too long?! In denial! Thinking no other carrier service was as good?

T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™ How I Cut My Cell Phone Bill In Half;

How I cut my cell service monthly bill in more than half! Cut by 65%! 

T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™| PrePaid refill cards and Samsung Galaxy Avant Cell Phone

Avoiding change had to stop! Wasting my money had to stop!! Seriously I don’t need any contracts but, I did need a new cell phone and less expense driven service. What is great about this Simply Prepaid™ plan is you get the unlimited talk, text and data with your choice of a high-speed data amount. I was worried that they wouldn’t cover all the area’s my family is as we are bi coastal but, that isn’t the case. When I looked into it all T-Mobile has Nationwide 4G LTE Network!

T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™_pay as you go refill card_ cell phone and cut up old cell phone contract

The Savings break down by using T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™ cell phone service;

Hello T-Mobile! Good-bye service old contract I’ve had for too many years!! Seriously the past pricing on my old contract has gone up so much that with trying this new $40 a month unlimited talk and text plan I will be saving $75 a month / $900 a year!!! In six years that’s an extra $5400! Ahem! 

T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™ |Samsung Galaxy Cell Phone_Samsung  Avant Cell Phone

Of course there are things I was skeptical of like slow data, a spotty network, second rate phones. But, not here! Look at this new cell phone and service. Can we connect?! Yes! Can everyone hear me?! Yes! I live in a rural area and don’t have any spotty networks. Ahem! Can you hear me saying change is good! Come on say it with me! Change is good!!! SAVING is good too!!! SAVINGS is better than GOOD!

Nationwide 4G LTE Network  Pre paid options cell phones and prepaid cards

T-Moblie say’s; We’re changing everything you know about wireless. Now it’s time to change prepaid. I have to agree they have changed my mind and how I am thinking about prepaid! I never would of done this years ago but, moving forward I’m saving with my pre paid. 

T-Mobile Simply Pre-Paid™ | How to compare cell phone service plans Info. graphic

  • Yes, I’m so glad I’ve changed, am saving and trying T-Mobile Simply Prepaid™ I’ll keep you posted but, you might hear me cheering, ” The best in wireless service is prepaid thanks to T-Mobile.” 

T-Mobile Simply PrePaid at Walmart

Introducing Cell Phone Service: Simply Prepaid™ from T-Mobile

Don’t just take my word for it! Check things out for yourself! You’ll want to find out more, give it a try, save money and still get the best in a wireless, now in prepaid! Head down to your local Walmart like I did. You’ll find them in your electronics or entertainment sections. Our T-Mobile was in entertainment section as shown above. It is easy to spot T-Mobile Simply PrePaid at Walmart with it’s hot pink color and logo! Just click photo to see image enlarged. P. S. NO OVERAGES, credit check or annual service contract required!

How long have you been with your cell service? Check it out and tell me how much you’d save by switching!? 

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  1. I switched to T-Mobile years ago and the savings have been incredible. We pay like $150 for 5 people — 3 of whom have data. I will say, there are parts of the country (i.e. rural areas) where I have little to no coverage, but since I live in a city it’s rarely a probably, just usually when I’m traveling. But then I sometimes need a break from my phone anyway!

    1. Hi Bev, I was surprised to see the coverage areas and we are rural CA and it’s great. I think it’s a matter of location and checking the map, as T-Mobile is always expanding it’s service & coverage areas from what I see. I can relate to needing a break from internet & cell sometimes.

  2. I am a prepaid phone girl all the way! I have been using Virgin Mobile for many, many years and pay about $38 with the tax. This plan doesn’t sound to bad either.

    1. There are options starting at $30 & up $60 may be the top I forget but, for $40 it’s unlimited talk, text and web! Glad to hear your a prepaid girl too!

    1. Hi Julie, Yes, it’s not like the cheap burner cells. These plans are made for quality cell phones and you can even renew your monthly plan without having to purchase another prepaid card but, doing it by phone.

  3. Awesome that they offer this. The contracts have you by the….well. you know. We are in the midst of a budget overhaul as well. Gonna have to check this out. Thanks for the info!!

  4. Pre-paid phones are such a great option for those that tend to go over their minutes. Something to think about! I’ve been with my cell phone provider for a couple of years and am sure we are overspending!

  5. Hi Ana, It’s especially true with teens about going over their minutes. It’s so easy too just renew card online too. Savings & convenience. Thanks for stopping by!

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