Life’s Not Always Milk & Cookies When It Comes To Milk
“This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
Hi everybody, whose ready for healthy lifestyle update?! I wanted to let you know a new discovery a2 Milk®! I’m excited to add more tools to my healthy lifestyle and learn more about this milk product line myself. I am trying the a2Milk® products to see how they work for me. It’s suppose to be more gentle for your tummy.
Although, I haven’t been diagnosed with a lactose intolerance by a doctor, every time I drink regular cows milk it doesn’t agree with me. My tummy rumbles, knots up…Which is no fun! If you are like me and have tummy troubles when drinking milk then a2Milk® could be a solution for both of us. I’ll share what I’ve learned so far.
Healthy Lifestyle
If your like me, a2 Milk® is pure farm fresh milk which might be a great solution to enjoying milk without any tummy upsetting symptoms. How can that be?? That was my first question too! There is a protein call A1 which is the cause behind milk intolerance symptoms or digestive discomfort (after drinking dairy). a2 Milk® comes from heirloom a2 cows. This milk doesn’t include the A1 protein. How? See the facts below..
Does this mean you or I can have milk and cookies again? Or milk in my cereal? I mean real milk! Not my usual alternatives. How I’d love to drink milk in lattes add milk into my recipes and not have a tummy ache later!! Let’s find out more…
Here’s some of the facts I learned about a2 Milk®
- In these cow herds they are naturally producing the milk without A1 protein.
- a2 Milk® is the pure replacement vs. alternatives which may be chemically processed.
- The a2 Milk Company ™ is working with U.S. family dairy farmers.
- These farms are located in upstate New York and in the Midwest.
- a2 Milk Company ™ is expending the heirloom a2 herds to increase production of it’s natural a2 Milk®
I decided to try some out for myself and my family. It looks, tastes and is real natural milk! I found it in several locations throughout our state. Which is nice when I’m helping my family in northern CA. or when I’m at home. I can easily grab a quart. I found it at Safeway, Whole Foods, Ralphs and a few other places. You can find your locations easily through their store locator.
Food for thought for a healthy lifestyle:
- There’s been independent studies and this one showed that 1 in 4 Americans have some kind of tummy troubles or discomfort after drinking milk. Yet only a slim percentage less than 5% has been clinically diagnosed with a lactose intolerance. (3-4% according to study) Ahem, that is me!
- a2 Milk® has approximately 6x the amount of calcium as soy beverages (which I drink on occasion) 8x the protein of almond beverages (which I drink most often) 6x the potassium levels of rice beverages. (which I rarely drink)
Maybe this means you / or I can drink milk without any problems?! I’m going to give it a try to see how it works for me over the next few months and check in with updates, along with sharing more of what I find out. When I check in next I’ll have a yummy smoothie recipe for you! Or maybe a yummy iced latte recipe. Let me know what recipe you’d like to see.
- Want a yummy cookie recipe to go with your milk?! Then you can try some a2 Milk® with yummy cookies!
It’s easy to spot these containers in the dairy section of your grocers. Find a2 Milk® for yourself by checking their store locator. Visit their site to find out more about this milk!
- If you have tummy troubles when drinking milk then a2 milk could be a solution
- Don’t forget to subscribe to keep up to date on all our posts.
Do you have any type of lactose intolerance?? Diagnosed or self diagnosed?
Have you tried a2 Milk® ? What healthy lifestyle tips do you have for someone who can’t tolerate milk?
My son totally needs this milk! I will have to try it the next time I go to the store!
Hi Lauren, You should if he’s sensitive. And it tastes the same as other milk, maybe better.
I’ve never heard of this milk before. Sounds interesting!
I hadn’t either until now. It’s milk without the a1 hormone so it’s gentle your tummy.
I’ve never heard of this milk but I’ll definitely be looking for it in my local grocery store!
Hi Julie, You can use the store located to see which of your local stores carry the milk. Thanks for stopping by.
I’ve never heard of this either! I’m actually allergic to milk (not highly but enough to upset my stomach and/or get hives if I consume too much). I’ll have to see where it is out here & check it out.
Hi Phyllis, This is real milk but, without a1 hormone. Hope you find a solution and it works for you.