Will you be my Valentine?
I remember loving Valentines Day and especially getting paper dolls when I was a child. One of my favorite Illustration artists as a child was Joan Walsh Anglund. One of my contacts on Flickr shared this Paper doll by Joan, which is no long available. Then I found the illustration at Inspired Musings who has all kinds of vintage & older paper doll images.
I was inspired to make a little illustration of my own for Valentines Day after seeing this. There are some contemporary Illustrators that remind me of her such as Suzanne of Gorjuss.
You can see more of her work on Flickr- Suzanne Woolcott- gorjussart
Do you have any favorite illustrators you are enjoying for Valentines? Who are you asking to be your Valentine?
Little Emily is sweet and I can remember the many happy hours my sister and I used to spend with paper cut out dolls.
I wish I still had them.
Happy Valentines day