The Fast Metabolism Diet: Book Review
I had the chance to read & review the The Fast Metabolism Diet Book. Have you heard of it? I was interested in reviewing it as I am not looking for a diet book but, a lifestyle that will speed up my metabolism & help me drop unwanted weight. I wanted to hear what Haylie Pomroy had to say in her book “The Fast Metabolism Diet.”
They call Haylie Pomroy the metabolism whisperer. She has studied in this field for 17 years. Haylie is a celebrity nutritionist & wellness consultant. She helps you get out of a weight slump. How do you know if you are in a slump? There is a slump checklist to help you. The book is perfect for anyone stuck in a slump, when your old tricks of dropping a few pounds aren’t working, you might be getting a bit older & or have hormones kicking in making it hard to drop weight….
Well, the Fast Metabolism Diet isn’t a quote unquote diet, it is a lifestyle change to speed up your metabolism & get your body revved up & get your body working, helping yourself to lose the weight. The goal is not to be restrictive, but change how you eat , what you are eating & when.
She calls her plan metabolism rehab & shows you how to revved up your metabolism to lose weight. She has created a formula to help you lose that unwanted weight without counting calories, but by using healthy food & eating a certain way to lose the weight. How does she help you lose the weight? Haylie has come up with;
Three step plan in her book The Fast Metabolism Diet:
- Phase 1 unlock : which includes lots of heatlhy carbs & fruits ( Mon-Tues) to unwind stress & calm adrenals
- Phase 2 Unleash: Lots of proteins & veggies ( Wed-Thurs) to unlock stored fat & build muscle
- Phase 3 Three distinct phases + : All of the above plus, healthy fats & oils (Fri-Sunday) Unleash the burn, hormones, heart & heat
Then by week four you are looking at food as an entirely different way. I can’t wait to apply some of these principals to my eating & see some changes!
Her book includes meal maps, recipes, ways to adapt to a vegetarian diet. She recommends measuring in inches as you are building structurally & really not as much by a number on a scale. There are food lists & she also recommends using organic when possible. Oh, when I visited her website there is also an app.
To find out more about the Fast Metabolism Diet visit:
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- Program Hashtag: #FastMetabolismDiet