VistaPrint Up to 50% OFF #SpecialOffer
New Offer Below: Visit Vista Prints Semi Annual Sale! Get Up to 50% Discount & if you spend $50 get free shipping sent in 7 days!
VistaPrint labels are now for as little as $5, including shipping, you can get labels from Vistaprint that are perfect to address invitations for upcoming parties, showers & weddings or to make thank you’s or for your various other needs.You can get creative with Vista Print Labels too! 140 Personalized Labels for Only $5, Including Shipping! Here are some ideas for your personalized Vista Print Labels:
* Create gift tags and stick the ends together to seal a twisted goodie bag or stick them on top of a gift or baked treat.
* Use them as “property of” or “belongs to” labels for your children’s school supplies.
* Design your own jar labels for baking ingredients like flour and sugar for a spin on the classic chalkboard labels.
* Send a couple their own personalized set with their names and new address after their wedding or move.
*How about an announcement for baby.
* Upload your own design or pictures to wrap around toothpicks to create adorable cupcake flags for a special occasion.
Disclosure: These are affiliate links which I may receive a small commission from if you decide to purchase from the offer, thanks for your support & supporting sponsors
Vistaprint Label Offer Offer ended 3-26-13
New offer can be found here until 7-22-2013: Vista Print Semi Annual Sale
With thousands of designs from bright chevron, to pastel flowers or many other designs to pick from or upload your own. Create a label that suits your style, whether it’s bold, elegant, floral or anything! Personalize with up to three lines of text. These stickers are perfect for paying bills and handling household business. They’ll definitely yield more time to do something fun with the kids or tackle another project.
I know I’d love to make some labels to stick on my homemade baked goods & canned jams I wrap with string & giveaway.
What would you make with Vistaprint labels?