Ode to 2012 A Look Back + Questioner

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Dear Creatives,  I thought I would share in the last days of the year my ode to 2012. To remind myself of where I was, where I am & where I want to go. I hope you enjoy the look back & moving forward post, while continuing to journey with me into the new year! There was much growth in this past year & 7 months on the blog- site. I will also share some of the things I most enjoyed, was thankful for or was a favorite of mine & even what I failed at. {Site Questioner at end of Post}

A Look Back

The understanding of mathematics is necessary for a sound grasp of ethics.{Socrates}

 First of all I must share I don’t like to look at my stats for the site daily. It can drive (me) you crazy. Page rank, seo, content am I doing it right? Am I getting results? No tricks. All I know is I try & write about topics I love, share what I learn or create or find useful and also what I think might interest you the reader, but when it comes down to it, although my page views have grown I think my loyal readership ( that is you ) has stayed similar in numbers percentage wise. I am just being honest here. I love blogging, creating & sharing, writing content & sharing, but the whole numbers game I am constantly trying not to let it get to me by viewing too often. I do think it is important to see where it can be improved upon. Whether it be a better title for a post,  adding a page description & finding out you need a view port tag? Since I don’t have a team of people, it is just me & on Fridays now Rebekah who also helps with Inspiration Spotlight via her blog. Just the creating fresh content, crafting & cooking, creating & photographing, then add on social media it can be hard to drill down those techy details, let alone keep up with. Step by step, it is a learning process which takes research, reading & if I had more time a class. With that being said I saw an increase of  16.57% over  the year. & Google page rank increase from 1 to 2. Thank-you to all the loyal readers.

Go back a little to leap further. { John Clark}

Some of the most viewed posts surprised me: One 2 One Sponsorship to Blissdom which although I poured my heart out. I didn’t win & that is ok. I did manage to win  1 of 3, the giveaway of tickets to Blogalicious which was my first conference. My big disappointment for conferences was when Blogher Pro was only 3 hours away & I so wanted to go, but it was scheduled the same time Sammie’s drama club  performed her holiday play & sang solo. I couldn’t miss her as Lizzy in Bah Humbug now could I? No, family comes first! Especially when it comes to those milestone moments. A few more most popular posts were: Snowglobe Tutorial, Handmade natural lotion, diy recipe box & several movie reviews I did. I would have to say that my vintage caravan broaches is one of my favorite projects of the year. I hope to make some more & experiment in different mediums, as I am still in love with caravans. Maybe its my yearning for more travel, “sigh”. I also enjoyed my easy felt pinwheels from in the spring. Hands down my favorite recipes of the year were the biscotti & making them for the first time by helping with heritage days at Sammie’s school. How did I never make them before? Making chicken enchiladas with Sammie & sharing our recipe-tutorial (which is her favorite meal).

Failure teaches success. { Japanese Saying}

  • My epic fail on a personal note was getting my running shoes & not balancing my time effectively to lose some weight & use them more. Yes, I am being honest & this is something I will be talking about in the new year. Being more active & dropping those creeping up pounds. I just want to be healthier.
  • Set back, focusing on my shop! Not good, my bad. More about that later & Starting up again in the new year!
  • Social media ups & downs, downs & ups. I know, another area to get real about, another to focus on
  • Dear Google can you tell me what your formula for page rank is? Readers Have you taken a great blogging class you can boast about that will help others?

So, with that said I am sure you can start to see where my goals might be going, right? Here is a blog questioner for you! Why? Because feedback is good! & I’d love to hear what you have to say, it is only 4 questions long. I am hoping you take the time to answer & share what you’d like to see in the New Year!



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What is something you learned from this past year?


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    1. Hi Georgie thanks for your visit. I love social media, but some days I just want to unplug & create or focus on my family, you know. Have a Happy New Year too!

  1. Hi, My blog was just elevated to page rank 3 on google and I just danced around I was so happy!! It means I get more traffic from Google. I’ve been trying all kinds of SEO stuff, like labeling photos, more pertinent headlines and bigger text for headlines (Google likes that), and also the more people who come to a certain post the more Google will send them there. Keep at it. It happens. I’m a 3!!!! hahahhaha IT WILL HAPPEN!! Plus the fact that your blog is AWESOME, too! 🙂 Happy New year, Linda

    1. Hi Linda, Great to hear about how you increased your PR. I’d do a happy dance too! Thanks for the kudos. I look forward to seeing you again soon! & Happy New Year to you too!

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