Crest WhiteStrips With Advanced Seal Review

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Dear Creatives, Coffee, tea & an occasional red wine are part of my life. But, yellowing teeth don’t have to be! I had the chance to try out 3D Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal. Now when I received my package in the mail I wasn’t sure if I could even tolerate something in my mouth. You know when you have molds created at the dentist or when you were a kid & you received fluoride treatments, well it’s nothing like that. These are thin little fold over strips that are easy to use, they come in little packets which have strips for upper & lower teeth. Honestly the taste & feel don’t give you that gag reflex. You put them in & leave them on for 30 minutes. You can drink water while wearing them.

Crest whitestrips

Some of the benefits are:

  • Whiting of set in stains
  • Whitens 25x better than whitening toothpaste
  • No slip strips
  • Same enamel safeguard material dentists use
  • easy thin travel packages

For best results you should use them for 30 once a day & will see some results in as few as three days but professional results in about 20 days. After using mine I brushed my teeth just to have that fresh clean feel although you are not required to. I am excited with my results & will continue to use strips along with brushing for great oral hygiene. It’s a great solution to having to use trays which make me gag & perfect for me since I drink coffee daily. Thanks to Crest I am having a brighter & whiter New Year! If I had makeup on I’d shown you my face, lol.




Have you ever tried Crest Whitestrips? 

Disclosure: I was offered this opportunity to try Crest Whitestrips by being part of the Influencer Community. This was not a paid opportunity & all opinions are my own honest finding.

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