Children’s App Review PlayTown: My Story Maker

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We had the chance to try out & review a new app for kids called PlayTown My Story Maker. This app is great for kids ages 3 to 9 years old, but many are finding this app reaches far beyond the age description. It is free to download which is always nice. I am sure you are wondering, what’s it all about? So let me tell you a bit about it. Your kids & even you can create, personalize and narrate stories while bringing imagination to life! It’s like having a mini theater in your hands to create with.


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Of course I let Sammie download the app & try it out! It’s geared towards kids. But, then I even took a turn. Creativity comes in all forms & what is not to love about exploring creativity mixed with technology.

Playtown screenshot of creating log in

Sammie created a log in, you can do this for smaller kids. There is a talking tutorial at the beginning. It directs & shows kids on how to use the app. by going through all the steps. There are three free play sets included in the download Pirate’s Treasure (cartoon illustrated), Princess Party (anime style  illustrated) & Travel Around The World (childrens illustration)

Play Town Travel Around the World

Right away she  found sound interactions happening through out using the app. You can even take pictures of yourself , a friend & even add a drawing to the stories you are making. When you are all done you have the option of sharing with family & friends.

Playtown screenshot of making a story  with app

By playing she discovered you change characters looks, expressions & move them about the screen. Hold down characters then a pop up arrives with expressions to change on the faces or things to add  in their hands. Make characters talk, swap sides & even make a movie which you can narrrate with your own voice. Add music too.

Playtown screenshot playarea

She is one to let me know if she doesn’t like an app or game as she plays lots of different ones, she enjoyed PlayTown dispite it being for younger kids. Kids of all ages will love this app & we will be sharing it when we visit relatives. The app is easy to use.

Playtown Screenshot

Now here’s a bit more detailed app information about PlayTown My Story Maker along with where to download & how you can get additional playsets.

Children have rich imaginations, and it’s the responsibility of a parent to help nurture, encourage and reinforce their children’s’ creative expression. An active imagination can help develop certain life skills such as communication and problem solving. Here’s how PlayTown works:

  • Begin your story by selecting an Adventure Play Set; play sets can range from traveling to playing sports to even exploring outer space!
  • My Story Maker invites you to create and build adventures, select your own stages, props, accessories and cast of lovable characters—such as princesses, monsters and jungle friends—and even use personal photos and drawings!
  • When completed, see your creation with the play back feature and share with family and friends within the app.
  • PlayTown is FREE to download for Android ( and includes 3 Adventure Play Sets.
  • Additional play sets can be purchased for $1.99 each.

·Playtown My Story Maker

Thank you Child’s Play Communications for allowing me the opportunity to review & share our honest opinion of PlayTown app. 

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