Christmas Inspiration “Inspired Ideas”
Is it too soon to talk about Christmas? I couldn’t believe the day after Halloween all the Christmas decorations are up even in the parking lot of our biggest local stores! What happened to waiting to Thanksgiving for all that? Well I digress, when it comes to Christmas I only think of it early when it comes to inspiration of homemade items and handmade goods~ Other than that I can wait. (As a matter of fact I could use a few extra months for making the holidays handmade! ) So when I saw this I had to share! Yes, Inspiration galore!! If you are or aren’t crafty you still will be swooning over this e magazine that has been published~ Thanks to Amy Powers. I hope you enjoy ~ Will you be making any hand crafted items?
Hi Theresa,
This looks like a lovely book and saw it over at Margaret, of The French Bear, on her blog.
Yes, Christmas seems to be coming around quickly and I look forward to making a few decorations and gifts for friends.
Happy weekend