Blogger Interview: Danielle of Snippets of Inspiration
Dear Creatives, Today I have a blogger interview with Danielle from Snippets of Inspiration. I hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as I have. Danielle will also be co-hosting Inspiration Spotlight Party tomorrow! Be sure to visit her & say hello, along with come back to enjoy the link party tomorrow. Now onto the Blog Interview!
The blog interview & Meeting Danielle of Snippets of Inspiration!
1. How long have you been blogging? I’ve been blogging since January 2013.
2. What made you start blogging? I began blogging for two reasons. I needed a way to keep my recipes and other parts of my life organized so I decided to share with others while I was doing that. The second reason is that I was a tad bored being a housewife and wanted a challenge. I live in small apartment and have no children yet and that limits my housewifely duties. Having stopped being an elementary teacher a several months ago, I was unsure as to what I should do with all of this newly found free time. Thus blogging was born for me!
3. I enjoy blogging about _________ because…? This is a difficult fill-in-the-blank question because I do enjoy so many aspects of blogging! But the one thing that I enjoy blogging about most is homemaking! Anything that I can write about that makes my home more beautiful, my relationship with husband more loving and fruitful and my kitchen more exciting is what I am passionate about!
4. Are you an early bird or night owl? I’m definitely a night owl! At night after things have slowed down a bit and I sit down to blog or participate in link parties, I feel like I get my best ideas! It’s hard for me to shut it all down and go to bed at a decent hour!
5. Do you ever blog in your pj’s? Yes! It takes me a while to “get going” in the mornings and to start off my day with chores is depressing! So I usually take an hour in the mornings to reconnect with my bloggy side! That means curling up on the sofa with my laptop while in my pj’s! 🙂
6. What’s your favorite big blog? What’s your favorite newbie blog? My favorite big blog would have to The Small Things Blog. It doesn’t really touch many areas that I blog about as she’s mostly a beauty/fashion blogger. But I just love how honest and vulnerable she is when writing or videoing. I feel like I really know her and that connection is important for bloggers to make with their readers. That connection is what will keep readers coming back! My favorite newbie blog is Seasons of Homemakers. She’s not very, very new but compared to other bigger blogs she is. I enjoy her blog because she’s got that connection I was talking about. She’s honest and tells it like it is! And her page is really bright and cheerful! For that reason alone you should check her out!
7. What is your favorite book, movie and tv show? My favorite book is a VERY hard question to answer as I am in love with so many! I’ll give you my top three: ‘Little Women’, ‘Ten Little Indians’ {an Agatha Christie mystery} and the marriage book, ‘Love and Respect’. My favorite movie is “You’ve Got Mail”. I love how happy and cheerful that movie is!My favorite tv show is either “Laverne & Shirley” {a classic 1970’s spin-off of “Happy Days”} or “Parks and Recreation” {modern day comedy}. They are so different from each other but both have redeeming qualities!
8. If you could meet any blogger, who would it be and why? I would choose to meet Kate from the The Small Things Blog! Again, I feel like I know her and I enjoy her feminine and sweet personality.
9. What is your favorite food? My favorite food is a toss up between ice cream {cookies and cream} and strawberries. Never put the two together though!
10. What is one blogging tip you’d like to share with readers? One blogging tip that has really helped me grow my blog is to PROPERLY participate in link parties. Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to participate in link parties. When I finally got this right, it was a lucrative advancement. I’m so passionate about this topic I even wrote a post, How to Make the Most of Link Parties.
11. What is your favorite blog post and why? It’s hard to choose just one favorite blog post. I suppose it would have to be Blog Networking. In that post I took the major things I had learned thus far about blogging, and compiled them into that post. It took a lot of work, tact, and thoughtfulness to put that together and I’m proud of the outcome!
12. To whom or what do you owe your success in life? I am successful only because of my Lord Jesus Christ. I was fortunate to be born to parents who not only loved me and sacrificed for me, but who loved Christ first and thus their lives were an out pouring of His love. If it were not for my Lord, I would be miserable and not sure of my eternal destination. With His help, I’ve become the woman I believe He wants me to be and I’ve married a Godly man to lead our household. Adding to the list of the way the Lord has led me in my life, I would put blogging near the top. It seems funny to say that….that He would care to direct my steps in the blogging world, but He has! I’m successful in this arena because of Him!
Where can we find you?
Thanks Danielle for letting us get to know you better from the blogger interview & see you back here tomorrow for the Inspiration Spotlight link party! Want to be the next blogger interviewed & co-host, just email me & we can talk!
What is a blogging tip that you can share with Danielle of Snippets of Inspiration ?