Earth Day
I thought I would share one of my journal pages with stamped dragon flies and flowers on it~
Update my new art & photography website is at
I think it is important to remember how fragile our Earth is. I came across some great ways to go green from Target scroll to the bottom to see them, they are also having a sweepstakes~
I must admit that even Martha Stewart has some great magazine posts and products coming out that support green living~ Click here to see a slide show of eco Chic ideas for your home from Martha~ An article on natural cleaning products click here and her new line of home cleaning products here.
No I am not an affiliate or getting anything about writing about this, but what I am trying to say is it is easier now more than ever to choose what products you use, reuse and don’t use to help our environment. What things do you do to help the earth? What are your favorite products that are environment friendly? Do you recycle or compost? I would love to hear from you~
Beautiful post..and wow..super lovely art..she is glowing like the sun! gorgeous!